Copyright 2010-2025

Transmuter’s Echo
Collective work by Hal Silver
Exhibited at Apiary Studios, London
13 July - 13 August 2011

Developed through Hal’s continual mythologising and direct engagement with the act of ritualising the landscape, Transmuter’s Echo explores the proximity between an expression and its source. Sound and image here are prised apart, each becoming gradually abstracted form their origin to allow a new space for encounter. Our initial process and intent was to attempt to locate Hal in the social space of the collective and geographic space of the land. In the exhibition the viewer could be both be drawn into and separated form the various levels of proximity to that process.

Images 1-2: Three monitors facing the wall, a ring of six speakers hung from the ceiling, sound and video loop continuously.
Image 3: C-type print, 2011
Images 4: Production still